let the plant control the farm

There is no shared knowledge available for those trying to enter the field of Controlled Environment Agriculture, hence most stakeholders rely on innovation based on trial and error practices. On average it takes about 3 years for a new farm to optimize its operations and even then unforeseen circumstances can push the input prices to the sky. This most recently happened with energy which is about between 40-50% of the overall costs in such growing systems.

DupliPlant is building a machine learning service as a solution by collecting crop-specific data and setting the optimal parameters for growing. With our digital twins, we can simulate different factors and evaluate the environmental settings in a matter of seconds to improve resource efficiency and reach cost parity with outdoor production.

Digital Twins for Plants

Entire Life Cycle Data Collection

Faster Decision
Accurate Prediction
Resource Efficiency

Virtual Test Environment
Shared Knowledge




increase productivity through real-life adjustment recommendations

virtual playground for time efficient and precise design

resistant crop types for CEA

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or download our project outline